RingCold - Help finance NGOs with cryptocurrencies that fight global warming and protect the planet - Blogger Cryptocurrency




Sabtu, 19 Februari 2022

RingCold - Help finance NGOs with cryptocurrencies that fight global warming and protect the planet

Hi friends, this time I am going to provide you with information about a very interesting project about a new cryptocurrency called RingCold (RGC). Before we jump into the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still needs efforts to encourage adoption so that it continues to grow and continue to develop in the future. to come up. For that, see a brief overview of the RingCold (RGC) project below.


Global warming is a peculiarity of environmental change portrayed by an overall expansion in normal temperatures of the Earth, which adjusts the climate adjusts and biological systems for quite a while. It is straightforwardly connected to the expansion of ozone depleting substances in our climate, deteriorating the nursery impact. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change delivered today most recent report. Also the end is clear: 1.5 levels of warming accomplished by 2030, heightening of outrageous climate peculiarities. Human conduct is alarmingly speeding up an unnatural weather change, say UN specialists. A stressing report for the planet and its most unfortunate populace.
Issue Global Warming

For sure, every negligible portion of a degree counts, particularly for the populaces of the South, on the forefront despite the environment crisis. Each extra part of a degree further emphasizes the destitution and disparities brought about by environmental change. The effects of the environment crisis are as of now entirely noticeable: more hotness tops, heat waves, floods, more dry seasons and always strong typhoons. Also as per this new IPCC report, it will deteriorate: more individuals will kick the bucket in these debacles and day to day existence will be considerably more hard for the most poor. They are the most powerless against change environment since they have not many assets to manage it.

What is Ringcold?

Ringcold SA Swiss was made to assist with financing NGOs battling against an unnatural weather change. The undertaking likewise moved toward a few NGOs in Europe to examine differents activities to be done in association. To get fast and productive outcomes, its group settled to raise assets from financial backers all over the planet and furthermore make organizations with popular ministers who safeguard similar qualities.

Our group chooses NGOs as per their significance and their dedication to the environment and planetary reason. To be sure, it is earnest, we should place sufficient strain on the States of the world to set off enduring change and along these lines make a shock in the personalities of everybody to pass on a better and more eco-mindful planet to our relatives.

By putting resources into our cash you do a twofold activity: bring in cash by expanding the worth of the token and assist us with financing these NGOs. Popular Ambassadors will be picked soon to help us and safeguard our model. RingCold isn't expected to participate in legislative issues and won't ever give to any ideological group. On the specialized side, our money (ERC-20 Token) is decentralized and contains 100M coins and there will be no increment or Burn to come.


No ICO arranged. 25% of all tokens are held by the makers to pay for the advertising project, Influencers and NGO gifts:

  • Youtubers and Influencers remuneration
  • Remuneration Direct financial backers
  • Designers and Sales
  • Online correspondence crusade
  • Making of site and versatile application
  • Security and Certification/Audit

We have sent off a NFT Collectors crusade on the Opensea site, Half of the assets raised will go to subsidize NGOs.

Reminder of steps

  • Online task and conveyance on Exchanges (Binance, Uniswap, Pancakes
  • Worldwide Communication Web and Press, TV
  • Associations and Participation in International Cryptocurrency Forums
  • Perceived representatives and patrons

Application and Wallet:

1. Worldwide Fairs

2. Webcasts with prompts

#RGC #ringcold #cryptocurrency #NFT #Giveaway #aladdincenter #bounty

That's what I can say in this article. If you need accurate and reliable information, you can visit their official link, which I have provided below:

Username: Bidadari_surga
RGC address on Coinsbit: 0xC5920f1d03ff6ed24697E995343E3d1BCEf7ac57

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