TEMTUM - Redefining blockchain and cryptocurrency boundaries - Blogger Cryptocurrency




Jumat, 09 Agustus 2019

TEMTUM - Redefining blockchain and cryptocurrency boundaries

Hasil gambar untuk BOUNTY TEMTUM


This section provides an overview of the groundbreaking new technology behind temtum. Please refer to the glossary at the end of this white paper for a list of definitions.

The temtum network achieves truly decentralised scalability, near instant transaction speeds and unprecedented transaction throughput, using low resources and future-proof cryptographic

With our improved network routing, the removal of the block size limit and a system architecture that ensures a single, randomly selected node confirms all transactions for 60 seconds, the only limitation to transaction throughput is the hardware and bandwidth of network participants. This is shown by the fact that we have demonstrated simulated transaction throughput speeds of 120,000 transactions per second in a laboratory environment.

The critical elements of the temtum network architecture are the Temporal Blockchain, the Consensus and Routing Algorithms, and the use of proven truly random numbers based on quantum interference science.

What is Temtum?

The new cryptocurrency called Temtum will be the most technologically advanced and most globally preferred blockchain coin (TEM) and will set new standards in security, speed, resource requirements and scalability. The temtum's vision is to be the most widely used cryptocurrency in the world, adopted as a mainstream payment market by consumers and ordinary citizens on every continent.

The name ‘temtum’ represents a combination of two of the main concepts that underpin this technology:
  • The Temporal blockchain (‘tem’) and quantum randomness (‘tum’). We will explain these concepts in detail within this paper, particularly in the ‘Technology’ & ‘Network Integration’ sections
  • There are many cryptocurrency now, but critically none have succeeded as the main form of payment used by millions of ordinary people around the world for everyday transactions.
Our Vision

We believe in the power of blockchain

This provides an extraordinary opportunity that has so far been barely touched. For cryptocurrency to develop, blockchain now needs to take the next step in its evolution.

And that's where the entrance. Temtum can help secure a truly distributed, decentralized and democratic future for financial transactions.

It is a future that does not destroy the environment. A future for everyone, wherever they live in the world, in which the benefits of cryptocurrencies are available and accessible for all.

We have not only seen this positive future, we have designed the technology, built it, tested it and mapped out how it will be implemented as the most effective medium of exchange.

Real World Applications

Many cryptocurrency presents many fantastic theoretical works, but when integrating them into real world systems, they are very limited. However, temtum has been used and tested, showing that our theoretical solutions to the blockchain problem are also effective in reality. After all, what's the point of having cryptocurrency if you can't use it?

This section focuses on four main forms of real-world integration, which are used as:

  • Medium of exchange;
  • Point-of-sale (PoS) mobile payment solution to enact the medium of exchange;
  • Currency within online gaming applications;
  • E-commerce payment application;

Each user can have a temtum wallet where they can store and manage their TEM. This will be accessible both as a web application and smartphone application. We have also developed additional functionality including a bespoke temtum keyboard for smartphone integration, which features a temtum button that allows users to send temtums from one account to another without opening the temtum application. See the 'Network Integration' section for more details.

Temtum as a medium-of-exchange cryptocurrency

The original cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, does have a use case and serves a recognized function as a non-fiat alternative currency that aims to provide an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof rather than trust, which means that any two parties can transact with one another without needing a trusted third-party. But the flaws inherent in the Bitcoin system mean that it has limited application as a medium of exchange. 

We want to allow all users to fully participate in the Temtum network regardless of the resources they are able to contribute. The temtum network has been designed from the ground up to run at full capacity on low-powered devices such as smartphones or IoT devices. The only prerequisite to network participation access to an active internet connection or an SMS connection.

The original prototype temtum network has been fully deployed and functional on a wide range of devices that include low power personal computers, servers, basic android mobile devices, and even a smart car – a BMW i8. 

Prototype network performance analysis demonstrates that Temtum is able to operate at high speeds despite the varying computational and storage capacity of the resources available to it and deliver higher transaction throughput while using less computational power and energy than alternative proof-of-work blockchain networks such as Bitcoin.

Vision for temtum as a mobile POS payment system

Integration into existing payment models

Temtum's ambition to become the first cryptocurrency to achieve global adoption means we have ensured that the network can be fully integrated with standard, real-world payment systems. We
has developed a solution for mobile point-of-sale (POS) payments, providing a seamless process for consumer retail purchases through existing mobile or contactless payment networks.

Our belief is that the speed, security and scalability of the network will easily enable users to spend their TEM in the conventional economy by utilizing existing technology infrastructurewith minimal costs and maximum comfort. This is consistent with the vision outlined above as the main media of exchange.

TEM Mobile PoS payment solution

We intend for any user with a temtum wallet to be able to make purchases using conventional payment networks, such as Visa for instance, with total transparency to the vendor who will see only a fiat money transaction. Yet all the advantages of temtum – for example, immediate international transfer of value – will still be available.

There are a number of benefits for users (consumers) in adopting temtum as a mainstream form of payment. 

They include:
  • The currency should hold consistent value across all territories and can be transferred internationally without cost.
  • For peer-to-peer payments (for instance, if users want to split a bill with a friend), it’s free and near instantaneous.
  • Transactions take just 12 seconds compared to hours-to-days with conventional bank accounts.

In contrast to other cryptocurrencies, our goal is to enable the use of temtum for everyday purchases, for example at major retailers. Therefore, we have developed a process which uses existing payment infrastructure which requires no modifications. It uses the NFC capability on a smartphone interacting with standard POS terminals, which are in widespread use in developed economies. 

The merchant is unaware that temtum is being used. (A merchant always has, if they want, the ability to receive temtum directly into their wallet, but that is not the purpose here).

The payment process can be as fast and convenient as payments using conventional currency.

Deployed network and applications

We have developed and deployed:
  • A fully operational mainnet hosted on numerous servers in multiple countries which has been proved to far exceed our initial engineering specification for transaction throughput.
  • Fully functioning and deployed temtum Network API.
  • Fully developed applications for web, Android and iOS devices tested both within and between various countries globally, including but not limited to, Belarus, Ecuador, UK, Belgium, USA, zimbabwe and South Africa.
  • An SMS-based system to enable temtum transactions on any type of mobile phone including feature phones.
  • Working nodes on a range of IoT devices including an i8 car and a smart watch.

The mainnet will be launched when the genesis block is created at the point of any TEM distribution. We have proven that the network we’ve created has exceeded the original technical specifications we worked towards.

The network is hosted on more than 100 servers globally, with data centres used but not limited to:

Europe > Amsterdam (AM)

Asia > Singapore (SP)

Asia > India, Bangalore (IN)

Western Europe > London (UK)

North America > Canada (CA)

Central Europe > Frankfurt (DE)

Each node is also snap-shotted at regular intervals and all blockchain data is backed up offline, as well as all logs of the wallet and apps.

Technology Roadmap

To demonstrate the technical capabilities of the temtum network — and how few resources a node is required to have in order to participate in the blockchain — we deployed custom code on the head unit (HU) of a BMW i8 as part of a mobility focused project. This allowed the car to function as a fully working node, capable of confirming transactions as the car was driven. The loading of the code into the car did not have any impact on its functionality and was able to run in the background.

Even though the computing power in the i8 is significantly less than traditional computers, it consistently demonstrated the ability to confirm 500 TPS. We believe this is a world-first where a car has been able to act as a full node without the requirement of additional hardware.

Further developments of the mobility project have focused on two main areas:
  • The creation of a mesh network using cars as nodes, facilitating node-to-node communication; and
  • How this can be integrated into the wider temtum network.

Two test cars, a BMW 220i, and the showcase BMW i8 have been used during testing. As in the previous development cycle, we did not add any additional hardware and only the software on the iDrive systems were modified. We discovered that the BMW 220i, while a significantly less advanced in terms of digital systems than the i8, was still able to fully participate and achieve the same level of performance as a full node (able to store the Temporal Blockchain and confirm transactions when required) as the flagship i8.

After demonstrating that entry-level BMW is fully capable of participating in the temtum network as a node, we also reach a mesh network between cars. This allows the BMW 220i to deactivate its cellular network connection, leaving it without internet access and instead receiving data directly from i8.

Receiving data from i8 to 220i directly, where Temporal and all transactions also use cryptography, will not present attack vectors. The ability to communicate with vehicles that do not have an active internet connection increases opportunities for older cars to participate in the network, while removing any cellular data costs and reducing costs for network participation.

Leaving our application aside in the existing entertainment system of the old BMW model does not show a decrease in performance on the driver. Testing is ongoing to apply this theory to more car brands, including the Renault Megane 2018, which will allow for direct cross-platform communication (ie from brand A to brand B).

More than half a million BMW vehicles were registered in the UK from January 2014 to January 2017, with each vehicle more than capable of participating in and supporting the temtum network. As network scales increase attack costs, participation through existing mobility infrastructure can ultimately secure a level beyond the level seen with existing networks, without the need for expensive energy consumption.

Although the environmental impact of fuel-powered vehicles is a concern, utilizing technologies already in use and reducing the burden on networks such as Bitcoin on international energy resources is a positive step before more sustainable vehicles begin to participate in the temtum network.


Considered the medium used above - and adopted - in more detail in the 'Technology' section - we believe that temtum has strong characteristics. Kasing to move as an alternative that is far superior to cryptocurrency that provides Bitcoin as a means of transportation.

For more information see the reference link below:

Author: Bidadari_surga

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